Bannatyne MS Project
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  • The Bannatyne MS (c. 1568)
    • 256r

    To luve vnluvit it is ane pane

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    This poem runs from folio 256r

    1 To luve vnluvit it is ane pane
    2 Ffor scho þat is my souerane
    3 Sum wantoun ma[n] so he hes set hir
    4 That I ca[n] get no lufe agane
    5 Bot brekis my hairt & not the (bethi, struck through)bettir

    6 Quhe[n] þat I went wt þt sweit may
    7 To dance to sing To sport and pley
    8 and oft tymes in my armis plet hir
    9 I do now mvrne both nycht & day
    10 and brekis my hart & not the bettir

    11 Quhair I wes wont to se hir go
    12 rycht trymly passand to and fro
    13 with cumly smylis quhe[n] þat I met hir
    14 and now I leif (b, struck through) in pane & wo
    15 and brekis [etc]

    16 Quhattane ane glaikit fule am I
    17 To slay my self wt malancoly
    18 Sen weill I ken I may not get hir
    19 or quhat suld be the caus and quhy
    20 To brek [etc]

    21 My hairt sen thow may not hir pleiss
    22 adew as gud lufe cu[m]is as gaiss
    23 Go chuss ane vdir and forȝet hir
    24 God gif him dolour and diseiss
    25 That brekis thair hairt and not the bettir

    quhe[n] his wyfe left him

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